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Just because you have 20th century data doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have 21st century communications

John Anderson
May 9, 2022
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As an organisation we are compelled, for good business practice, compliance or ethical reasons, to send various communications to our clients on an ongoing basis. The general communications I refer to include Invoices, Statements, etc. In each of these interactions we have the opportunity to communicate in a meaningful way with our clients. However, for a host of reasons (e.g. 20th century data) we continue to see communications being distributed without taking advantage of this opportunity with clients.

A 20th century communication is in essence, a communication that meets the minimum requirement for compliance. They are boring and are a massive, missed opportunity to get key messages across to your client.

Consider a statement that shows an opening balance, a list of transactions and a closing balance. Communications like this, while compliant are truly forgettable. The sad thing is that we know so much about the client and how they could benefit from more products or different products that your organisation is trying to sell. A communication that has a high probability of being read is the perfect opportunity to inform or educate a client. Using a good template-based composition tool, it is very simple to dynamically add tasteful, informative and useful information, thereby making that interaction a 21st century communication which is so much more valuable.

Data is almost always the reason behind not delivering hard working communications. The excuses “our new system will have better data” or “we can’t access the existing data” are heard all too often.

Again, if you have a good template-based composition engine, you can improve your existing templates NOW and reap immediate benefits. You may hear “but we will have to change it all when the new system arrives”. The truth is that by using a good template-based system all you change is the data interface protecting your investment.

There is no longer an excuse for sending out 20th century communications.

John Anderson
Team Lead: Services & Support
John Anderson
Team Lead: Services & Support
With a wealth of industry specific knowledge, including health care funding models, John and his team support all customer service and support activities including data mapping, implementation, project management, best practice document design and post implementation support.

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